The Psychology Internship Program at Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services

Psychology Internship Program

The Doctoral Psychology Internship Program

Since 1974 Hamilton-Madison House has provided the full range of mental health services to a community composed of Chinese, Spanish, African American, Italian, Jewish, and many other individuals and families in the melting pot which is the lower part of Manhattan. We serve one of the most diverse communities in New York. Our patient population ranged from five to eighty in age, and we provide social and physiological services to thousands of individuals and families. As a Psychology Internship Program, we are accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) since 2015, and we participate in the APPIC (Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers) match each year.

The clinic is located in Downtown Manhattan with public transportation steps from the clinic. Subway lines F, M, J, and Z all provide stops located within easy walking distance from the clinic. Several avenues and cross street bus lines also provide easy access. Our staff find that the neighborhood is rich in the diversity offered by an urban setting. The clinic is within walking distance of Pace University, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and governmental buildings - New York City Hall and New York Family and Supreme Court. The surrounding area is rich in old architecture, historical preserved building (Confucius Plaza), restaurants, and cultural aspects.

The Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services has been an active and integral mental health service provider for many years coordinating its services with neighboring hospitals, substance abuse treatment centers and other community mental health agencies, and managed care providers. We serve diagnostically and culturally diverse population of children, adolescents, adults, elderly, LGBTQ, ethnic minorities, urban, and low-income patients. Our services include psychiatric and psychological evaluation, individual, group and family therapy; brief and long-term psychotherapy, medication management, crisis intervention, and consultation. Focused areas of treatment include: chronic mental illness - anxiety and depression; relationship and family problems - parenting issues, intergenerational trauma and barriers to communication; health related concerns - aging, living with HIV/AIDS, physical disabilities; adjustment issues and acculturation distress, work/life challenges; trauma - post-traumatic stress disorders and sexual abuse; substance use disorders and addictions; characterological disorders; and neurotic and psychotic diagnoses.

Our Internship Program aims to prepare three graduate students to become clinicians with the capacity, sensitivity, and expertise in working with an underserved population exposed to high levels of environmental and life challenges.

The psychology training program aims to provide a broad spectrum of training opportunities wherein the candidate is exposed to the full range of ambulatory, psychological disorders observable in a large urban community. Through clinical contact and didactic experiences under the supervision of seasoned licensed clinical psychologists, the intern will gain a strong foundation for future success in a wide variety of clinical settings. The goals for the psychology intern are as follows:

The Psychology Internship Program is continually assessing each intern's knowledge, performance and conduct throughout the course of the internship year. Formal and informal evaluation is intended to facilitate the intern's professional growth by acknowledging strengths and identifying performance and conduct areas that need improvement. Informal evaluation of the intern's progress is cumulative and obtained from several sources including the intern's direct supervisor, Clinic Directors, supervising psychologists who lead the case conference, and the Training Committee. The Training Committee, which is chaired by the Training Director and consists of the interns' supervisors and other psychology staff members, meets monthly to share information and review each intern's progress. Formal written evaluations occur at the 6 and 12-month period of their internship.

All trainings and clinical experiences will take place at the Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services at 253 South Street in New York City. Interns begin with a one-week orientation of clinic structure, function, policies, and procedures. New interns begin by performing clinical assessments/intakes under the guidance and supervision of licensed psychologists. Along with ongoing didactic seminars and educational presentations related to theory and practice in psychological treatment, the intern will conduct ten to twenty sessions of long and short term treatment weekly with a variety of patients in various dynamic and behavioral modalities. The clinical caseload of each intern will be dependent on intern's developing clinical knowledge and skills, initiative, and capacity to take on more responsibility.

Interns' schedule is Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, and at least one supervisory staff will be on site and available for consultation. Additionally, at least two days out of the week, interns are required to work during evening hours and no later than 6:30 pm. On these selected days, interns start work from 10:00 am or 10:30 am to 6 pm or 6:30 pm.

Staff and Interns have found the Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services to be a friendly and congenial learning environmental. Staff are easily accessible and common areas provide a rich atmosphere for lively discussions. The intern experience generally conforms to the requirements of NY State, which is 1750 hours of internship experience.

In collaboration with Gracie Square Hospital (affiliated with the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Network), interns will also participate in the Inpatient Psychiatry Rotation at the inpatient Asian Psychiatry Program. The Asian Psychiatry program is directed by a culturally diverse clinical team and support staff able to speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinese ethnic dialects, Korean, Japanese and other Asian languages. The rotation schedule will be on Wednesday for 15 weeks for each intern. Responsibilities include 1 group, 2 individual cases (including testing), attending meetings/rounds, case conferences, journal club and attending Psychology didactic training. Dr. Nadine Chang at Gracie Square Hospital is the site supervisor during interns' rotation.

Direct Services

Interns provide a wide variety of clinical services ranging from individual psychotherapy, intake/diagnostic assessment, phone screening, psychological evaluation, crisis intervention, case managements, group therapy, couple and family therapy, and consultation. Interns will have the opportunities to work with patients across the lifespan - from age 5 to senior adults - throughout the whole internship year. The diagnosis of clients include severe psychopathology and chronic mental illness, substance abuse, trauma, sexual abuse, health concerns, disabilities, life and work challenges, sexual identity/gender issues and family and couple concerns. In order to fulfill standard requirements, each intern maintains a minimum of 4-5 hours per day in face to face contact with patients in clinical treatment or assessment.

Hamilton-Madison House began providing telehealth options since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. As of 2022, The Office of Mental Health (OMH) has maintained and further expanded the requirements for using Telehealth services (for the specific requirements and guidelines, please visit

Psychological Evaluation

Each intern will be required during their year of service to do at least two (2) psychological evaluations utilizing test and measures and/or other methodologies of evaluation. The results of which are included in patient records after being reviewed and approved by a supervisor.


Interns will receive two hours of individual supervision weekly by licensed psychologists. Interns also receive two hours of group supervision every week - one hour is spent on team meetings with multi-disciplinary staff to discuss high-risk cases and admission/discharge/treatment planning of cases; and one hour of weekly case conference, facilitated by a supervisory psychology staff, where interns rotate to present his/her case using various theoretical conceptualizations.

Didactic Training

Interns receive on average 1 to 2 hours of weekly didactic training and seminar provided by in-house Staff or guest speakers on current issues and psychological theories. Our staff have diverse and specialize orientation and their interests multifaceted; we respect and foster the atmosphere of mutual acceptance and collaboration at Hamilton Madison House.

Clinical Psychology Internship Staff

Clinical psychology intern training is overseen by Clinical Psychologist, Yu-Kang Chen, Ph.D.

Yu Kang Chen, Ph.D. - Training Director
Kevin Rustam, Psy.D.
Kristin Kim-Martin, Ph.D.
William Tsang, Psy.D.
Daniel Huang, LMHC.
Lena Gu, M.A., LMSW. - Clinical Director of Behavioral Health

Psychiatric Staff

Yihou (Mike) Zhou, MD. - Medical Director
Jihan Ryu, MD.
Luhan (Daphne) Wang, MD.
Naomi Liang, MD.
Niki Song, MD.
Stephanie Chiao, MD.
Daniel Chen, MD.
Jie Jin, NP.
Danielle Baum, RN.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Hengjia Jian, M.A.

2024-2025 Psychology Interns

Songmin Na, MA.
Lujia Guan, MS & MSW.
Kai He (Bryant), MS.

Complaints against Fellow Interns

Consistent with the APA Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct, it is recommended that informal resolution be the first step in resolving a conflict or concern with another intern. When concerns arise, the complainant should contact the student in question and frankly discuss the concerns.

Complaints may be made against fellow interns for the following reasons:
  1. Alleged violation to APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, state or federal laws.
  2. Alleged violation of internship policies.
  3. Concerns about an intern's clinical suitability for the practice of clinical psychology.
  4. Concerns about an intern's physical, intellectual, or emotional abilities to perform the essential functions of a clinical psychologist.
If resolution is not reached, the complainant is encouraged to submit the compliant(s) in writing to the Training Director. Written documentation of the complaint and outcome are kept in the intern's permanent file. Please be aware that because of the nature of a formal complaint and the subsequent investigation, complete confidentiality of the complainant may not be possible.

Intern Complaints against Supervisors

Complaints against supervisors may be made by interns. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the issue should first be discussed with the supervisor to see if any resolution can be worked out. If the intern does not feel safe to discuss it with the supervisor, or if such discussion does not bring the desired resolution, then the complaint is written and sent to the internship Training Director (or other supervisory staff, if the Training Director is the object of the grievance). Written documentation of the complaint and outcome are kept in the intern's permanent file.

A formal review process will include the following steps:
  1. Review of the written compliant provided by the intern.
  2. A report including recommendations and resolution of the problem will be prepared by the Training Director (or other supervisory staff, if the Training Director is the object of the grievance) within 5 working days.
  3. The intern can contact the Assistant Executive Director of Behavioral Health to discuss the issue if the intern disagrees with the final report.

All applications are screened by members of the Internship Committee. Committee members conduct interviews and provide recommendations to the Internship Training Director for APPIC match rankings. The Training Director makes the final ranking decisions and submits them to the National Matching Service.

Every effort is made to ensure diversity in selected trainees. Selections are non-discriminatory on the basis of age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic status. Consistent with the training mission and the population served, interns who speak Chinese and demonstrate ability to work with the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community will be given preference.

Once interns are matched to the site, an email of matching acknowledgement is sent to matched interns within a week. This email includes information about start and end dates, internship salary, contact information for the Training Director, and other relevant information about the internship.

Psychology Interns matched to our program are required to complete human resources processing and be prepared to submit finger printings for Office of Mental Health (OMH) criminal background checks. An additional (separate) background check will also be conducted by Gracie Square Hospital.

Program Tables Last Updated: 08/21/2024

Program Disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values?     Yes

 ✔ No

If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented: NA

Internship Program Admissions

Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program’s policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:

Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services is the largest mental health provider for the Asian American community on the East Coast. The APA accredited psychology internship program was designed to prepare interns to become clinicians with a capacity of serving the diverse population and to develop specific expertise in working in the public sector with a disadvantaged population exposed to high levels of environmental stress. The internship program provides a structural and supportive environment, aimed at fostering the development of competent clinical practitioners, capable of functioning in a rapidly changing health care system. Interns are anticipated to develop a sense of competence in working with children, adolescents and adults in a variety of treatment modalities.

The Hamilton-Madison House Psychology Internship Program is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation (CoA) of the American Psychological Association (APA). The American Psychological Association Committee on Accreditation can be contacted at the addresses below:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(Tel) 202-336-5979
(Fax) 202-336-5978

The Hamilton-Madison House Psychology Internship Program abides by the Internship Match policies as developed by the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC). Information about these policies can be obtained at:

Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? If Yes, indicate how many:
Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours Y Amount: 500
Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours Y Amount: 25

Describe any other required minimum criteria used to screen applicants:
The internship participates in the APPIC Match. An applicant must have completed at least three years of study in a regionally accredited, degree-granting clinical or counseling psychology doctoral program in the United States by the time the internship is scheduled to begin. The applicant’s program must be APA-accredited or demonstrate equivalence by the student having successfully completed supervised practicum experiences and graduate coursework in individual intelligence assessment, personality assessment, personality theory, psychotherapy or counseling theory, and research/statistical analysis. To be considered for an interview, an applicant needs to have at least 500 hours of direct contact intervention hours. Preference will be given to individuals who speak Mandarin and/or Cantonese. Other Asian languages and English-speaking only candidates will also be considered. Additionally, applicants must be verified as ready to apply for internship by the Director of Training of his or her graduate program, as listed in the APPIC application form. Details are available at the AAPIC website (

Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year*

Annual Stipend/Salary for Full-time Interns 32175
Annual Stipend/Salary for Half-time Interns NA
Program provides access to medical insurance for intern? Yes
If access to medical insurance is provided:  
Trainee contribution to cost required? No
Coverage of family member(s) available? No
Coverage of legally married partner available? No
Coverage of domestic partner available? No
Hours of Annual Paid Personal Time Off (PTO and/or Vacation) 15 days
Hours of Annual Paid Sick Leave 12 days
In the event of medical conditions and/or family needs that require extended leave, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to interns/residents in excess of personal time off and sick leave? Yes
Other Benefits (please describe):
3 discretionary days

*Note. Programs are not required by the Commission on Accreditation to provide all benefits listed in this table

Initial Post-Internship Positions
(Provide an Aggregated Tally for the Preceding 3 Cohorts)

Total # of interns who were in the 3 cohorts 9
Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree 0
Academic Teaching 0 0
Community Mental Health Center 2 0
Consortium 0 0
University Counseling Center 0 0
Hospital/Medical Center 0 1
Veterans Affairs Health Care System 0 0
Psychiatric Facility 0 0
Correctional Facility

0 0
Health Maintenance Organization

0 0
School District/System 0 0
Independent Practice Setting 1 3
Other 0 2

Note: "PD" = Post-doctoral residency position; "EP" = Employed Position. Each individual represented in this table should be counted only one time. For former trainees working in more than one setting, select the setting that represents their primary position.

For more information about our program, please contact:
Yu-Kang Chen, Ph.D.
Internship Training Director
Hamilton Madison House, Behavioral Health Services
(212) 720-4537